Georgetown, Great Exuma
George Town is a town in the Bahamas, located on Exuma island. It has a population of 2,488 (2012 estimates).
The Government Building is a popular tourist attraction inspired by the architecture of the Government House in Nassau. The deep water harbor is a favorite spot for yachters. Pirates used the harbor in the 17th century and plantation owners from Virginia settled the town in the 18th century. During World War II the US Navy used the port. There are a number of shops and markets in George Town. Lake Victoria in the center of George Town is a popular spot for boating.
The Exumas are a chain of islands that stretch to about 100 miles long. The Tropic of Cancer runs directly through Georgetown and approximately 900 people live in this seaport, a favorite spot for yachters. There are two major yachting events: the Annual Family Island Regatta in Elizabeth Town and the Annual Georgetown Sailing Regatta held every March.
Georgetown has a colorful history and its pink and white Government Building, which is said to have been inspired by the architecture of the Government House in Nassau, grabs the attention of tourists. It has an intriguing past. Pirates used Georgetown’s deep water harbor during the 17th century and the “plantation aristocracy” from Virginia and North and South Carolina settled here in the 18th century. Elizabeth Harbor became a refitting base for British vessels and the U.S. Navy used the port during World War II.
Shopping includes gift shops, 2 grocery stores and the outdoor straw market. The Sandpiper, owned by Diane Minns, offers a selection of Bahamian crafts such as straw baskets, ceramics, watches and postcards. Diane welcomes anyone to watch her at work. There is also a Scotia Bank, a gas station, scooter rentals, tour operators, and several other types of shops.
If you want to go out at night for a good time there are a few choices. The summer nights may be a little quiet but action can usually be found at Club Peace and Plenty during the winter months. Activities such as poolside parties and live bands that continuously keep both visitors and locals on the dance floor are a lot of fun. Two Turtles Inn and Eddie’s Edgewater are also spots you should try out. One half mile from Georgetown is February Point which includes a great restaurant/bar that has live music one night per week. Another option, but further out of town, is the Four Season’s Hotel which has a number of bars both indoor and out.
Note: Many of these activities are ongoing during the winter season when there are the most cruising boats in the harbor (~Dec through February). Check in with the Cruisers net at 0800 on VHF Ch-72.
Calendar of Recurring Activities @ Local Businesses during the Season( January through April)
Pig Roast; Chat 'n Chill on Volleyball Beach; 1300 - 'til it's gone..; roast pig buffet.
Rake & Scrape; 1900; Eddie's Edgewater on S shore Lake Victoria.
Texas Hold 'em; St. Francis Resort; 1800; registration 1730; $5 buy-in; all proceeds to top players.
Karaoke; Two Turtles Inn and Resort.
Dance Night; 1700 - 'til; Chat 'n Chill on Volleyball Beach. Rotissery Chicken, Ribs.
Sushi Night; Blu at Exuma Yacht Club. It goes quickly so be early!
Rake & Scrape; Peace & Plenty; Dinner @1830; Band 1930 - 'til.
Peace & Plenty BBQ: ~1800 - 'til; BBQ, music.
Texas Hold'em; St. Francis Resort; 1800; registration 1730; $5 buy-in; all proceeds to top players.
Frankie Bananas, the tiki bar on the dock at Augusta Bay, hosts a Happy Hour on Friday afternoon, usually around 1730. They provide complimentary chicken wings and conch fritters, and also have a DJ. They also have 2 for 1 on Sands beer during Happy Hour.
Calendar of Recurring Activities — Cruiser Sponsored — Seasonal
Beach Church; 0930; Volleyball Beach. Choir meets at 0900 [ended Sunday 11Mar 2018 for season]
Yoga; 0845-0945; Volleyball Beach.
Women's Bible Study; 1115; St. Francis Resort Conference Room.
Yoga; 0845-0945; Volleyball Beach.
Yoga; 0845-0945; Volleyball Beach.
Fun Volleyball; 1400 daily; Volleyball Beach.
Games; 1400; Volleyball Beach.
Crafts: 1400; Volleyball Beach.
Dominos: 1400; Volleyball Beach.
Bocce: 1400; Volleyball Beach.
Horseshoes: 1400; Volleyball Beach.
Recurring Activities:
ARG (aka Alcohol Research Group); a moveable cocktail hour & feast.
Beach Church: Sunday; 0930; Volleyball Beach.
Bocce; 1400; Volleyball Beach.
Crafts: 1400 daily; Ages 15+; Volleyball Beach. Including basket making.
Checkers. Table and checker on beach.
Dominos: 1400 daily; Ages 15+; Volleyball Beach.
Fun Volleyball: 1400 daily; Ages 15+; Volleyball Beach.
Games: 1400 daily; Ages 15+; Volleyball Beach.
Horseshoes: Court in area behind Chan 'n' Chill Conch Shack. Volleyball Beach.
Majong; listen to Cruisers Net for possible sessions.
Music Makers; occasionally on Volleyball Beach.
Texas Hold'em: Tuesday; 1800; St. Francis Resort.
Trivia: Sunday; 1800; St. Francis Resort.
Water Aerobics: depends on current teacher
Women's Bible Study: Tuesday
Yoga: depends on the current teacher
Beach Church
Non-denominational Christian service open to all.
Services Sunday mornings at 0930 on Volleyball Beach.
Bring coffee and a snack to share and stay for fellowship after the service.
Choir Practice on Saturdays; 1300; St Francis Resort Conference Room; and Sundays at 0900 before services. Vocalists and musicians welcome.
Texas Hold'em
Thursday nights at St. Francis Resort & Bar.
Dinner available in Bar and on deck before play.
Trivial Pursuit
Sundays; 1800; St. Francis Resort & Bar
1700: Registration.
$1 registration fee.
Form a team ahead or get assigned on site.
St. Francis closes regular bar menu and does a special meal from 1600 on.
Water Aerobics
0900 on S Monument Beach
Yoga on the Beach
In the shade of the trees on Volleyball Beach.
Hiking on Stocking Island
There are several trails that give hikers access to most of Stocking Island. It is possible to walk the entire ocean (E) beach of the island. Trails will take you up to Monument Hill and a couple of other high spots where spectacular views of Elizabeth Harbour. A regular cruising visitor, Skip Hird on SV Eleanor M, has drawn an excellent map of the trails for the use of hikers. Skip also maintains these trails.
Stocking Island Trail Map for download. Skip asks hikers to heed the advice he provides on the chart to help preserve this fragile environment.
The ocean beach can be reached via a short trail that starts on a small beach at the E end of the short marked channel that leads to the S-most hole on Stocking Island. [23º 31.32' N; 75º 45.25 W] Note: Please do not use the walkways at St. Francis Resort; they go to guest rooms.
The ocean beach can also be reached from the N end of Sand Dollar Beach near the picnic tables. [23º 30.95 N; 75º 44.60 W]
Help the area ecology: Take a plastic bag with you and pick up any trash you may find along the trail. Dispose of trash in dumpster in George Town.
Expertise Available from Cruisers
Many cruisers in the area have skills of a wide variety that are useful to fellow cruisers and they are willing to share them on a pro bono basis.
Caution: Bahamian law takes a dim view of foreign guests "working" in the Bahamas and loss of a cruising permit could ensue.
A good place to listen for and ask for expertise is in the daily morning Cruisers Net on VHF Ch-72 during the "Boaters' General" session.
Pass it forward when you receive assistance.